Home / Hooria Rafiq / Sultan E Karbala Ko Hamara Salam Ho

Sultan E Karbala Ko Hamara Salam Ho

This Naat Sharif 'Sultan E Karbala Ko Hamara Salam Ho' is intoned by Hooria Rafiq. There are millions of Hooria Rafiq's fans worldwide who intensely inclined and caused from him/her/them. This MP3 Naat composition has been taped by Hooria Rafiq with Excellent quality and best class. To download Hooria Rafiq's Naat Sultan E Karbala Ko Hamara Salam Ho on your System, simply click the three dots and then download.

Hooria Rafiq is the second most popular female Naat Khawan after Umme Habiba. She has become a role model for a new generation. Her heart-touching voice has been admired by everyone. She belongs to Karachi Pakistan and has been reciting Naats since she was a kid. Hooria has a true talent of naat khawani. She has a greater aptitude and skills of reciting naats in some most harmonious, dulcet sounds. His soundtracks including “Ya Mohammad noore mujassam ” and “YA shafi E Ummam lillah kar do Karam” are the most listened-to naats. She has the guest appearance for naat khawani in a number of television programs. She has also traveled outside of the country for reciting naats. Hooria Rafiq has been very popular among female naat khawans. NaatSharif has all the latest MP3 Naats of Hooria Rafique with updated lyrics.

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