Home / Owais Raza Qadri / Aaqa Tumhare Dar Par Aana

Aaqa Tumhare Dar Par Aana

This Naat 'Aaqa Tumhare Dar Par Aana' is rendered by Owais Raza Qadri. There are millions of Owais Raza Qadri's fans worldwide who greatly stimulated and encouraged from him/her/them. This MP3 Naat composition has been taped by Owais Raza Qadri with HQ quality and favourite class. To download Owais Raza Qadri's Naat Aaqa Tumhare Dar Par Aana on your Device, simply click the three dots and then download.


Mohammad Owais Raza Qadri needs no introduction as he is known to be the king of today’s naat khawani. Owais Raza Qadri is also called Bulbul e Madina for his passionate and heart-touching voice. He gave Naat-Khawani a whole new dimension and the way he has recited many old Naats has increased the popularity of Naats a lot.  He was born in the year 1969 at Metha Dar Karachi. He started recitation of naats in 1977 while he was just an 8-year kid. Owais Raza Qadri possesses a unique style of saying naats. According to him if one truly appreciate and applause the life of Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW then he can show it by any mean. Owais’s means of showing gratitude is by reciting naats for the love of Mohammad SAW. He also aspires to establish an academy for new naat khawani, so that they can learn how to praise great personalities like Hazrat Mohammad SAW.
Owais has performed Hajj and umrah many times. He has also visited a lot many countries to preach about Islam and to recite the naats. Where ever he goes he spread the message of peace, love, and harmony.  He advises the young generation to follow the teaching of Hazrat Mohammad SAW in their day to day life.
He has been awarded the best naat khawan in the year 1997 by the government of Pakistan.

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